Microchan world

Painting and ceramic sculpture Series

Micro-chan is a microscopic being who lives inside of the human body
What is she doing in your body right now? That's a mystery. This painting, drawing, and sculpture installation was exhibited in MF Gallery, Brooklyn, NY. Partially exhibited at Manhattan Children’s Museum in NYC.


MidNight Forest painting Series

This is an ongoing painting series about the creatures and stories in the shadows. These paintings were displayed in various galleries such as Raw Salt Art Gallery in CA, AG Gallery in Brooklyn, One Twenty Eight Gallery in NYC, and Stranger’s Factory Gallery in New Mexico.


24th Season Painting and embroidery series

In ToTai Island every season they have a character to represent the season, this year cave seal was chosen.
He got infused with a poisonous flower to be strong but he run away! He is meeting mysterious friends in the
forest and spilling poisonous water and killing the forest! What is going to happen in ToTai Island?! This series was exhibited at the Metropolis Gallery in PA.