
Hello everyone!
I was interviewed by the Greek Magazine LIFO. 
It's all in Greek so if you know some Greek friend who might be interested. please forward :)
You can click the image or go here-->
Have a great week!!!

Opening Vernissage Tomorrow Night!

webHello!!!I hope you are having a great summer. Tomorrow at Usagi Paris Gallery my exhibition AU HASARD DE MON BAZAR is opening. There will be upstairs little gallery and downstairs in a secret cave. Come and meet my creatures and find out many secrets in this mystical cave! The show run till early July.

"AU HASARD DE MON BAZAR" d'Aya Kakeda du 13 Juin au 2 Juillet 2014 Vernissage le vendredi 13 Juin à partir de 19h30 Usagi Paris:32 rue Saint Roch, 75001 Paris, France


MOCCA FESTIVAL this weekend!

Hello!This weekend is MOCCA Art Festival in NYC. I have a table selling new books, prints, surprise sculpture boxes, and cat&dog cookies! Please come and visit! 10173554_10151957194020178_1347604187_nYou can see the direction and more info about the festival here---> click

Here is some sneak preview! photo 3 (2)1958232_10151949263820178_788786612_ncover1000650_10151959049650178_281297358_nphoto 1 (5)10155464_10151963768835178_1931492428_nDouble thank you for Kimiko and Fumiha for helping me bake!!!!!